When you are licensed, contracted and appointed and complete your certification requirements, you become part of the Authorized to Offer (A2O) AARP Medicare Plans Agent Program. UnitedHealthcare awards this program to recognize your commitment to demonstrating competency on AARP Medicare Plans. As part of the program, you get access to resources to help you grow your business – plus, the opportunity to become an Authorized to Offer Elite agent for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans from UnitedHealthcare®. As an Elite agent, you’ll receive additional recognition and the ability to earn rewards from UnitedHealthcare.
For complete A2O Program details, including A2Oh! Rewards, please view the A2O Program Guidelines.
A2O ( Level 1 ) | A2O Elite ( Level 2 ) | |
How to achieve: |
Benefits: |
Program rules are subject to change:
- Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions apply.
As an agent, you get access to AARP Member benefits and discounts. Agents who are authorized to offer AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans from UnitedHealthcare® can now experience the benefits of being an AARP member with the special offer of a 2-year membership for only $202. That’s a 50% discount on the regular membership cost.
The link above is the only way to obtain this agent offer and must not be shared. If you are already a member, you can now renew your membership with the 2 for $20 offer via the link provided above to extend your membership.
The link below provides the instructions for completing your Special Agent Membership Enrollment Offer, as well as renewal and managing your communication preferences.
- Agents must not extend this offer to their consumers or prospects
- This offer is made available to you by AARP, not UnitedHealthcare, and AARP may modify or discontinue it at any time without notice.